Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The drive home - part two

About thirty seconds after I pulled onto the I-275 on-ramp, I realized that I had chosen the wrong one and I was heading south into downtown Tampa instead of north toward home. Traffic was backed up for miles in this direction, it was a sea of taillights. Then it started to rain. Hard. So hard, I could barely see and my two older tires were skittering across the lane. Unsettling feeling, but didn't lose control. Wait. And wait. Couldn't get over to the first exit, had to go to the next and get back on I-275 going north. About twenty minutes later, I was finally back where I should have originally gotten on the road! **Sigh** Still an hour from home!

The rest of the drive was pretty routine, first city, then country, then towns, then country again until home. Varied weather from heavy rain to bright sunshine to everything in between. Listened to my favorite radio station SpiritFM 90.5 on the way.

Finally got home a bit after 6 p.m. Robert had spaghetti waiting for me. :-)

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