Saturday, September 25, 2010

Wandering 'round Wally World

Well, we went to Super Wal-mart this morning. It wasn't too crowded; perhaps some folks don't have as much money at the end of the month? I had to get some school supplies and we needed motor oil, air filters and a bunch of different things.

While wandering through the aisles, we saw a pair of young teenage boys. One was wearing a Halloween mask, obviously one on sale at the store, which he had not yet purchased. He said to us, "Hey, I like your mask!" Hilarious, of course, because we weren't wearing masks, we are just old (forty-something) people. So, I said, "Ha-ha, very funny," and continued with my shopping, ignoring them.

Saw them again, in a different aisle, racing around, now both with masks, wigs and a plastic trick-or-treat jack-o-lantern. They say, "trick-or-treat!" I said, "Ha-ha, sorry, I don't have anything."

You'd think that would have been the end of it, but no. One boy says, "Money would be just fine!" Hmm, cute little imp; just go right up to a stranger, while in disguise and ask for money! I said, "Sorry I don't have any money," and started to walk past them, trying to ignore them. Then one said, "Well, how are you going to pay for that stuff in your cart? Why don't you put some of it back?" Now I was getting pretty irritated. I told them that I was a teacher, but didn't say where, and told them I didn't want to play their silly games. Then, one said, "You see, all teachers are rude!" Okay, I'm the one who was rude in that situation, because it isn't rude at all to accost complete strangers at Wal-mart!

Made me think of Dennis the Menace. Mr. Wilson was irritable, partly because he was older and set in his ways, like many of us including me. But Dennis truly was annoying. The difference is that Dennis didn't mean to be annoying; he wasn't trying to incite ire for kicks and was apologetic when corrected.

Robert was in another part of the store by the time of the second encounter. I don't think these kiddos would have been so bold had Robert been within sight.

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